About our Chapter

Hello and thank you for visiting the St. Amant Chapter of Catholic Schoolhouse. We are so thrilled to begin our first year in our new location at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Our school year will begin August 2024 and our program includes nursery through 12th grade.

Our chapter at Holy Rosary will meet on Wednesdays from 9:00-12:30, followed by lunch and outdoor play. At Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, we will operate in 11 classrooms with access to the beautiful activity center. Holy Rosary has outdoor courtyard seating, a cafe, coffee shop and large, grassy areas for outdoor play.

Following the Catholic Schoolhouse tour guide, we will meet three Wednesdays per month, with the fourth Wednesday built in for breaks and field trips. Our school year will begin early August with quarters one and two ending before Thanksgiving. Quarters three and four will resume after Epiphany. Please check back with us soon for our official calendar. 

Our school day will begin with chorus time and then move to two hours of structured class time for review and activities to correlate to all of the tour guide memory work. Students will also have an additional 30 minute hands on science experiment and 30 minutes hands on art lesson to correlate with the artist study. Class sizes are kept smaller, 10-12 students, which provides for a wonderful learning environment for all children to thrive in. 

Our chapter plans to include fun events such as All Saints Day party, Saint Nicholas market, Saint Valentine’s party, fall and spring showcases, Donuts with Dad, field trips, park days, kick off picnic, parent’s night out, mom’s nights, yearbook and more! In addition to these fun events, the St. Amant Chapter will *possibly* have an optional IEW writing class for 4th-6th grade students that will begin at 1:20 and end at 2:00. 

Here at our chapter, parents play a crucial role in the success of our student’s learning. A parent is required to stay with their children throughout the school day and will assist as Class Leaders, parent helpers, nursery leaders, science leaders, art leaders and such. 

Catholic Schoolhouse is such a blessing to the homeschooling family and there can be so much fruit taken from this beautiful program. From the virtues to the faith based learning and the friendships to the support, Catholic Schoolhouse has been blessing for many. Whether you are new to homeschooling or veteran homeschoolers with your curriculum choices already picked out, Catholic Schoolhouse can blend in seamlessly with your academics and family style learning. 

We hope you consider joining us. Check back for more updates and photos!